Friday Night School
Tuesday Reading Program
Wednesday Night Tutoring
Scholarship Program & Bursaries
English for Parents
Friday Night School
Friday Night School is held at St Ignatius Parish Hall, Richmond, between 4.30pm-6.00pm each Friday of term time. High school students from various Melbourne schools provide one-to-one tutoring in a collaborative and informal environment to students from non-English speaking migrant or refugee backgrounds. Primary-aged students use workbooks provided by Friday Night School, while high school students get assistance from tutors with their homework, or subjects of their choice that they need further support in.
Friday Night School students come from a number of countries, and range in age from 5 to 18. The social and interactive aspect of the Friday Night School program is as important to students as anything they learn in books. Cultural boundaries are broken down as students and tutors sit shoulder-to-shoulder at tables working together, chatting and catching-up. Many of Friday Night School’s past students return to help, demonstrating the strong community focus that the Friday Night School has developed over 26 years in operation.
Image: johnny-mcclung-RjdoQxJ7-5k-unsplash