Our Tutors
The capable and dedicated tutors who devote their time to help at Friday Night School currently come from the following schools:
Genazzano FCJ College
Lauriston Girls’ School
Loreto Mandeville Hall
Star of the Sea College
Sacre Coeur College
Siena College
St Kevin’s College
Xavier College
A committed group of adult volunteers further support our FNS communitiy. some of these adult volunteers have assisted FNS since its inception while others were students at Friday Night school themselves who have returned to help.
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Tutor Testimonials
Xavier College
One of the special aspects about Friday Night School is the relationships you form there. With your tutees, you have the unique opportunity to meet with individuals from a broad array of different backgrounds — all with rich histories. Over many years, I have been able to form meaningful relationships with the many students whom I’ve had the opportunity to meet, and it’s always incredibly gratifying for me to watch them mature and gain independence in their learning as they grow up. Friday Night School was one of the first service opportunities I ever undertook when given the option in Year 7, and it has played an instrumental role in helping me realise my passion for social justice ever since. Throughout the tumult of high school and in particular, the VCE, its presence has served as a weekly reminder to me about what’s truly important — the service of others. - Past pupil
Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak
I wanted to be a part of Friday Night School initially because I saw it as a way of gaining a new experience through meeting and helping younger students from other schools throughout Melbourne. The best thing about Friday Night School for me has been building a positive relationship with the younger students, where we are able to work together, catch up and have a laugh with each other. I have learnt a lot from this experience through being involved in the Friday Night School Community, including a gaining of perspective, and an understanding of the diverse experiences of education (in our city). I have found Friday Night School to be a special and positive opportunity that I have loved each week. - Year 11 student
Genazzano FCJ College
Each week at Friday Night School is unpredictable with new experiences and endless learning opportunities, for both tutees and tutors alike. Now each Friday coming into the main hall of FNS, we are always met with children of all ages with bright smiles and a positive mindset to learn. The excitable energy is contagious as tutors and tutees are paired up and trusting relationships are formed to learn from each other. There is nothing more fulfilling than seeing your tutee’s face light up with understanding when grasping a concept, and their boost of confidence when they wish to try and do the next question themselves. Throughout the year, myself and many other tutors have sometimes gone out of our comfort zones to do something new, whether that be tutoring someone older or even giving assistance to mothers in learning English. Although seemingly overwhelming at first, it has been an incredible opportunity to help others in the community and advantageous for tutors in developing communication skills, and undoubtedly to gain insight of new perspectives of others. FNS has created relationships that are rewarding to both tutees and tutors. It is truly inspiring to see the hard work tutees put towards their learning and the volunteers and tutors put towards a place for students to seek help in their education. -Year 11 student
Xavier College
The best way to describe Friday Night School (FNS) and FNS Reading is by saying that it is a gift for the tutors and a gift for the tutees. The thought of giving up your Friday afternoon may seem outlandish to some, however it truly is the highlight of the tutees week and the tutor’s week. Giving to those who are less fortunate and witnessing their growth as a person and a scholar is truly special. The relationships formed are remarkable and stories shared are life-changing. Friday Night School has shaped me into the person I am immensely and I couldn’t recommend the program highly enough. - Year 11 student
Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak
I saw the program as a new experience and opportunity, and I wanted to help others. The best part about Friday Night School is seeing the younger kids become comfortable around us tutors and then starting to act like themselves. This creates lots of laughter and I have lots of fun which makes the time go by really quickly. Since I have started Fright Night School, I have gained greater ability to communicate with a variety of different people. I have also learnt that measurement (year 8 maths) is harder than I remember!! - Year 11 student
Lauriston Girls’ School
We all look forward to going to Friday Night School each week and love being able to support other students both younger and our age. Being able to work with the same student each week allows us to bond with them creating a friendship that goes beyond tutoring, creating a love of learning and teaching for both the tutor and the student. Allowing both the tutor and the student to learn new things each week. Watching your student achieve something that they previously found difficult, whether that is understanding a certain aspect of math or seeing it finally click when they understand what the correct spelling is for a certain word is the best part of Friday Night School and is so rewarding. The awesome part of Friday Night School is the community aspect. The welcoming faces as you walk into the room, the kids looking forward to FNS each week, tutors and students chatting about their week and playing games before the learning starts. When we help out at Friday Night school it isn’t just rewarding, its enjoyable. Friday Night School at its core is to help school aged kids build on their learning, their communication skills and allows them to meet new people. But what people don’t see is what Friday Night School does for the tutors. Not only do you meet new people and learn new things. The opportunity to make a positive difference in a kid’s school and learning life is something that we all love doing and look forward to each week. - Year 11 student
Genazzano FCJ College
Friday Night School has been one of the most rewarding experiences that I’ve had the privilege of participating in. It has given me a renewed appreciation for my own teachers who dedicate their time to teach with patience and passion, and I have tried to emulate their example in my time tutoring the students who come to St Ignatius. I have particularly enjoyed helping students at higher year levels, and my favourite moments are when I see them master a method or concept they’ve been struggling with. Sometimes, it has even provided me with an opportunity to revisit a subject area that I myself have become a little ‘rusty’ in! I want to encourage more students to join Friday Night School as tutors, because until you’ve engaged in the program, you cannot anticipate just how fulfilling this opportunity to promote learning truly is. - Year 11 student