Our Story
Board & Governance


Friday Night School is a company limited by guarantee. It is governed by a board of directors, and operates according to its constitution and a range of established policies. All Friday Night School programs are subject to a code of conduct incorporation risk-management relating to volunteer programs involving children.

The Friday Night School management is overseen by a board of directors which includes representatives with skills in management and finance as well as law and governance. Educational experience is also represented through a director from a participating school.



The Board of Directors is responsible for governance of Friday Night School. A network of committed volunteers, many of whom have been involved in Friday Night School since its inception are supported by our Program Director, Sheena Teeder, who is engaged to oversee operations of the school. The support of volunteers allows the school to run at minimal cost.


Friday Night School has been endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a deductible gift recipient, and endorsed also for charity tax concessions.

Our operating and administrative costs are very low. Overheads are kept to an absolute minimum, ensuring that ll donated funds are used solsly to provide the education material and supporting sturcture to run the Friday Night School.